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Rickardsson, Urban, 2008. Svarte Mosse : en stadsdelspark i Göteborg. SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management



Park och Naturförvaltningen i Göteborg har tagit fram en parkplan för
Biskopsgården där man pekar på en möjlig utveckling av närområdet
runt sjön Svarte Mosse. Mitt mål med detta examensarbete har varit att
utifrån en förståelse för de lokala förhållandena utveckla ett program med
kriterier för hur området skulle kunna utvecklas samt göra ett förslag på
Efterforskningar bland olika källor gav ett generellt svar på vad som är
en bra park. Genom att studera statistik, dagstidningar och prata med
boende i stadsdelen så konstaterar jag att det karaktäristiska för Norra
Biskopsgården är resurssvaghet, trångboddhet, hög otrygghet och en stor
andel unga. Detta tror jag sammanfattningsvis gör utemiljön viktigare i så
kallade utsatta områden.
Jag valde att arbeta med ett grönområde som angränsar till en typ av
stadsstruktur som har blivit kraftigt kritiserat för utemiljön. Därför valde
jag att göra en bakgrundstudie av modernistiska förorter. Formuleringarna
i beskrivningen till stadsplanen för Norra Biskopsgården från 1956 är
intressanta att läsa. Den yta mellan husen som planerades för invånarnas
"behov och trevnad" upplevs idag inte som tillräckligt definerad enligt
bland annat Park och Naturförvaltningens sociotopkartor.
Som en del av efterforskningarna kring grönstrukturen i den
modernistiska förorten läste jag bland annat om "Stockholmsskolan" och
den nya typen av parker som anlades i ett expanderade Stockholm under
1940 och 1950-talet. Jag kopplade denna rörelse till anläggandet av Norra
Biskopsgården och "parken" vid Svarte Mosse och menar att det är ett
resultat av samma tidsanda. Denna parallell gav mig insikten att dagens
brukare av parken vid Svarte Mosse har en helt annan kulturell bakgrund.
I intervjuer med invandrare visar jag några av de olika traditioner
som finns kring parker och naturanvändande i två länder. För att öka
sannolikheten att brukarna i ett område med en hög andel invandrare
knyter an till en park anser jag att som landskapsarkitekt bör man vara
medveten om dessa skillnader.
Programmet för utveckling av närområdet runt Svarte Mosse består av
flera delar. Först sammanfattar jag min insamlande fas och ger på så sätt
ett sammanhang till utvecklandet av närområdet. Jag sammanställer
en problemanalys utifrån brukarnas perspektiv, definierar kriterier och
specifika åtgärder.
Mitt gestaltningsförslag avser att med ganska små insatser förändra
naturparken till en omhändertagen park som kan bli en mötesplats för
alla invånarna i Norra Biskopsgården samt visa den tillgången som hela
friluftsområdet är.


The Park and Nature authorities in Gothenburg has set out a "park
scheme" for Biskopsgården. In the document, it is suggested that the area
around Svarte Mosse should be developed to a park. On the basis of an
understanding of the local conditions my goal with this master thesis is to
develop a program with criteria for how this area could be developed and
make a design proposal.
Various sources gave a general answer to what is a good park. By studying
the statistics, newspapers and talking to some residents in the district,
I could note that the characteristics of Norra Biskopsgården is that the
inhabitants have small economic resources, often lack sufficient living
space, feel high insecurity and that there is a high proportion of young
people in Norra Biskopsgården. These elements make the public space more
important in the so-called problem areas.
I have chosen to work with a green area adjacent to a kind of city structure
that has been highly criticized for the public space. Therefore, I made a
study of modernist suburbs. It is written in the description of the city plan
for Norra Biskopsgården from 1956 that the area between the houses is
planned for the residents " needs and comfort ". Today this space is not
seen as an asset shown e.g. in investigations done by the Park and Nature
As part of the research around the green structure in the modernist suburb
I read about "The Stockholm School" and the new type of parks that were
built in an expanding Stockholm in 1940 and the 1950s. I linked this
movement to the construction of Norra Biskopsgården and Svarte Mosse
as a nature park. This parallel made me realize that today's users of the park
has a completely different cultural background. By having talked with some
immigrants, I could show some of the different traditions that exist around
the usage of parks and nature in two countries. In areas with a high rate
of immigrants landscape architects should be aware of these differences in
order to increase the likelihood that people attach to the public space.
The program for the development of the immediate area around Svarte
Mosse consists of several parts. I summaries my initiale phase and by doing
so put the work with the park in a context. I put together an analysis of
problems as it is seen by the users, further I define the criteria and specific
measures for the development of the park.
The intention with my proposal is to change the nature park with quite
a small effort into something that could become a meeting place for all
inhabitants of Norra Biskopsgården and display some of the assets that exist
in the larger recreation area.


The Park and Nature authorities in Gothenburg has set out a ”park
scheme” for Biskopsgården. In the document, it is suggested that the area
around Svarte Mosse should be developed to a park. On the basis of an
understanding of the local conditions my goal with this master thesis is to
develop a program with criteria for how this area could be developed and
make a design proposal.
Various sources gave a general answer to what is a good park. By studying
the statistics, newspapers and talking to some residents in the district,
I could note that the characteristics of Norra Biskopsgården is that the
inhabitants have small economic resources, often lack sufficient living
space, feel high insecurity and that there is a high proportion of young
people in Norra Biskopsgården. These elements make the public space more
important in the so-called problem areas.
I have chosen to work with a green area adjacent to a kind of city structure
that has been highly criticized for the public space. Therefore, I made a
study of modernist suburbs. It is written in the description of the city plan
for Norra Biskopsgården from 1956 that the area between the houses is
planned for the residents ” needs and comfort ”. Today this space is not
seen as an asset shown e.g. in investigations done by the Park and Nature
As part of the research around the green structure in the modernist suburb
I read about ”The Stockholm School” and the new type of parks that were
built in an expanding Stockholm in 1940 and the 1950s. I linked this
movement to the construction of Norra Biskopsgården and Svarte Mosse
as a nature park. This parallel made me realize that today’s users of the park
has a completely different cultural background. By having talked with some
immigrants, I could show some of the different traditions that exist around
the usage of parks and nature in two countries. In areas with a high rate
of immigrants landscape architects should be aware of these differences in
order to increase the likelihood that people attach to the public space.
The program for the development of the immediate area around Svarte
Mosse consists of several parts. I summaries my initiale phase and by doing
so put the work with the park in a context. I put together an analysis of
problems as it is seen by the users, further I define the criteria and specific
measures for the development of the park.
The intention with my proposal is to change the nature park with quite
a small effort into something that could become a meeting place for all
inhabitants of Norra Biskopsgården and display some of the assets that exist
in the larger recreation area.

Main title:Svarte Mosse
Subtitle:en stadsdelspark i Göteborg
Authors:Rickardsson, Urban
Supervisor:Lövrie, Karl
Series:Examensarbeten inom landskapsarkitektprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2008:63
Year of Publication:2008
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:MSc Landscape Architecture
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Keywords:parker, utsatta områden, parkanvändande, stadsdelsparker
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:SLU > (LTJ, LTV) > Landscape Architecture (until 121231)
Landscape architecture
Deposited On:23 Oct 2017 11:55
Metadata Last Modified:23 Oct 2017 11:55

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